A Summer of Learning

Staying home for the whole summer, I thought that I would be doing nothing, but wasting time on games and anime. I wouldn’t say this was an unproductive summer, since I did extensive research on colleges and universities (I can literally counsel someone about their future). I also learned to get windows 10 for free (legally) on any computer and with a little more tinkering, I also learned how to activate it (legally).

I also started to realize what I was interested in, thus directly leading to the answers for the questions: Where am I going after I finish school? What major (s) do I choose? What profession do I pursue in the future?

If you think that I will answer these questions, Sorry! *click-bait 😈

Not to forget that I got to know my AP psychology test scores. Studying the night before and getting a 4? The is one of the only times that I am actually proud of myself. My twin sister will probably talk about her getting a 5 (That’s probably the reason she’s always stressed out.)

Now that I think about it, I too would be irritated if I were to be click-baited. Referring back to some of the questions above, I would like to pursue a profession in the IT industry, possibly in cyber-security or Systems/Network administration. Computer engineering is a considerable backup (The physics involved there is currently beyond my understanding). Computer science is too, but it definitely involves many advanced algorithms. (The math involved there is FATAL. Pre-Calculus will literally seem like a tea party.)

One of my goals this year is to learn the Linux command line or python, a programming language. I would like to get used to the Linux command line because the computers from the ICT lab are almost always on a Linux distribution. I wonder why though?  Python could be used in several ways not only for programming, but also for other activities, such as making music. (Sonic pi is a good software to do that.) I hope I will be able to achieve my goals this year and that everyone shall achieve theirs. Good luck to all! New school year, new you.





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