A posable reality


I used Adobe Photoshop CC to draw this. I feel like I should commend myself for using a mouse.

I was the type of person who never takes selfies, or even have a picture of myself. Honestly speaking, I didn’t take any photos last year (not including pictures of study material and homework related ones). All that changed, after I met her. A few week before ‘week without walls,’ I was visiting my cousins at Bangkok. Just like me, they are weebs; in other words, someone who is at the top consumer level in the anime industry. The adults see us as good-for-nothings, typically watching anime everyday. One day, we decided to go to a new anime cafe that opened recently.

*sounds of many weebs having fun*

It was then that I realized a set of eyes gleaming with delight;changing to a smile from time to time.


I took her to my cousin’s home for a visit and even took her on week without walls 😉


I took this photo during week without walls. My mom got suspicious and questioned me about it when she saw this picture >:)

I started editing photos and drew some “minimalist” art. This one is a minimalist art too.  Recently, I tried using the three dimensional tool from Microsoft and tried Photoshop’s three dimension tool, too. Because of the experiences, I would like to learn more about photography and graphic design in this trimester.


It took me eight whole hours to draw it.

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