
I did my ever first info-graphic and truth to be told, it wasn’t as bad as I initially thought it would be!

Info-graphic (noun): visual representations pertaining graphs, charts, diagrams in which information can be understood through minimal text.

Canva is one of many useful web/apps for any kind of design, and it offers free templates and photos. It was recommended, so I decided to choose Canva as my go-to designing web/app for my first infographic. And I’ll be honest, I wasn’t disappointed.

But not everything went easily and smoothly since one of the aspects of an info-graphic was to limit the amount of text and relay information through graphics while the reader would receive the same amount of information.  One of the difficulties I had was deciding what to put in and take out from my info-graphic, which in time was figured out.

Without further ado, feel free to skim my info-graphic down below!


Purple Modern Infographic Resume



12 thoughts on “Info-graphic

  1. This is really lovely Sabrina. I love your orange/blue contrasts and color choices. My only confusion is over the white/green bar graphs in the lower left. Is the white the data or the green? Perhaps just switching and putting green on the left would help make it more clear since white is often perceived as the “empty” part of a graph. Everything else is neat, clear, and visually appealing. Great icons. Well done!


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